Some say delusion is a bad thing, well, most say that. Being delusional isn’t really highlighted as something that benefits our lives. It’s something that generally hinders it! But! Awhile ago I saw a trend going around on tiktok of “delusion week” and I’ve really been wanting to try it. Now? Ally? Is delusion week safe? It sounds, well, delusional. Delusion week was founded by Danielle Walter on tiktok and she stated it as “where I hijack my free will and do what the hottest, most successful version of myself would do.” Being delusional in all the best ways! Delusional to knowing you wouldn’t actually do the things we all lay in bed at 2am thinking we’re going to start tomorrow. Change our lives in the morning! Be the person we all know we’re going to start being as soon as that thing that’s in our way will stop being there! The capricorn in me was delighted and excited as the prospects of delusion week, like? 2 months ago. In reality, life just gets in the way! it’s so hard to be that super go getter, get’s all their shit DONE type of person. I know so little few that actually are those people, and I’m sure if you asked them what their secret is they would be delusional to how much they actually get done!! We’re never getting enough done right?! Well! I want to try this delusion week and report back to what I found works, doesn’t work, and is it truly delusional to try and be that hotter, most successful version of myself that I crave to be! But first, let’s talk about the pains of social media making us think we never do enough!!
Pick your favorite social media go to app, I don’t care which one, and it’ll show you people who have their shit together. Tons of them! Clean house, perfect skin, successful job, amazing style, stunning photos, a sense that they just really know who they are and all that comes with it. Is it all true? That’s up for debate and we all know it. As someone who has been putting whatever the hell my brain is interested in showing to the world on social media for years now! I’ve had my fair share of people who think I in some sense have it all together. Whichever category they may feel like they lack in, I am somehow just killing it. Or! They’re trying to do more of that thing, can’t seem to find the motivation, and whenever they see a post from me it’s a reminder. I am only using myself as an example to further how I do NOT have it all going on. I can’t speak for anyone else who’s putting themselves out onto the internet other than me. Believe me, I do not have it all together. I feel like more than ever that’s super clear right now. I’m barely present on my socials, randomly posting with no clear pattern anymore, long pauses or breaks and just generally retreating from it all together. Last year Ally on the other hand, well, that bitch seemed to have her shit together! I was posting all the time, working with more brands, making specific styling videos, man! I had tons of interactions with people and conversations! Wild! But believe me, it was not all together. I’d say it was the most together I’ve had it in my life since a long time, but overall, still very far from what I’d consider successfully all together. My house is generally a mess, tons of half started projects piling while I buy supplies for the next hyper fixation just to abandon both in a month for something completely new, and, well, I talk too much. As we speak you’re in a run on thought that has no clear end in sight! I’m a mess!! I just like putting myself out into the world when I’m feeling creatively charged! Now that it’s gone a lot, man. I feel like a mess. I sit here and write this at my kitchen table covered in stuff I needed to put away two weeks ago! I do not have it all together, and that is OKAY! No one has it all together all the time, I don’t care what social media shows us. It is just not possible
Life is insane, beyond insane! And we’re only here for a blink in the grand scheme of things. Why do we get so hard on ourselves when we’re not using all the potential we possibly could be using. Well, go back to the first statement. Life is insane! Things come up, circumstances change, and the burn out of the surrounding world outside of our control can be heavy. Add mental or physical health issues on top of that, responsibilities outside of ourselves, weather! surrounding environment, and the list could go on. I’m sure you get it. We can’t be at maximum potential all the time. It’s easier for people online who are being paid to show you that they are then for regular folk to be doing it. That’s why I want to try delusion week. What the hell would my week look like if I did wake up early to do that thing, if I did force myself to go to the gym at this time, if I actually meal prepped for the whole week! Small things we all think will change our lives, but will it? Does it? Or are we making this a daunting task to hold over our heads to keep us in a state of “i’m not good enough” syndrome. That’s what I want to know. So! starting Thursday May 25th-Thursday June 1st I am entering a state of delusion. Here’s what my plans are for the week:
-Work out 15 minutes in the morning
-Shower, Morning Skincare, Make Breakfast
-work break-
-Make Dinner/Clean up after I’m done!
-Minimum work of 30 minutes of creativity
-Full night skincare routine
-Work out by 9am each morning
-Shower, Morning Skincare, Make Breakfast
-At least 1 full hour of cleaning/home organization
-At least 2 hours of sewing/creativity
-On monday or tuesday meal prep for week ahead
-Full night skincare routine
Now there is a small thing here or there that applies for each day, but! this is the general outline. I work from home Monday's and Tuesday’s which allows me to work on stuff at my house. Which is great, because I am currently trying to finish going through my entire clothing collection, making deeps cuts, getting things donated or listed to sell and finish organizing my closet. That all applies to the satuday-tuesday line up, but! I’ll recap it all during next weeks blog. I’m going to attempt to make a daily tik tok along with this damn thing. No, I AM going to make one. I’ve been wanting to get back into creating content and the best time to do that is DELUSION WEEK. Being delusional to my most successful, hottest version of myself includes making content. I’m also going to attempt to look cute each day. Maybe not going out to dinner at a fancy place, but not walking around in the same house shirt for 3 days straight kind of cute. Also doing my hair and makeup for work, something I’ve only recently gotten back into doing. I kind of lost sight of who I was completely for a section of this year. I’ve slowly been making my strides into connecting with myself, but let’s get delusional about it. Who would this hot, successful Ally be? Well, stunning makeup. Nail DONE! Closet CLEAN! Good meals made, not just half assed thrown together meals. Making my coffee everyday instead of buying it. These are the small, delusional things I’d like to be doing. So check back next blog time to see how it goes! Follow me on tiktok (@allymayhem) to see the delusional days look like. Biggest thing, is it possible? Can we be those super enhanced versions of ourselves that we wish we were while watching others on social media do it. Or is life just simply in the way too much and it is all a delusion to be that perfect all the time?
Will I be serving the best version of myself all week?
Or doomed to fall back into habits of inactivity? (aka, taking long naps with beeble at my side)
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