So you’re a goth AND you’re packing for a trip?? Where do you start?!? Well I’m hopefully going to help you!! Or at least offer my own personal touch. As a goth who loves to travel I know how difficult it can be to prepare all your precious looks. You want to stand out, draw attention, and show different parts of the world your dark soul. But, it’s summer and it is so damn hot! Sometimes you need to prioritize your safety and suitcase weight. Maybe don’t pack all 12 pairs of Demonia platforms? My husband and I are going on our honeymoon next week and the packing process has been...well, a process!! Here’s some of my essentials:
-Sunblock: I like a combo sunscreen that works both for my face and body. I use SPF 50 and I lather head to toe every morning before heading out.
-Shoes: I am bringing 3 pairs of shoes. Platform sandals, Doc Martens, and a pair of heels. I always travel in whichever shoe will take up the most space in my suitcase. I also try to pick shoes that will go with almost all my outfits. Docs and dresses are a goth staple!
The ✨Outfit✨
Since this is my honeymoon, I’ve got a few staple pieces I’m bringing with me. That means head to toe planning goes into the outfit. I made a dress that goes perfectly with the Sacred Heart necklace. I built an outfit around that and it’s coming with me. Also since this is a special outfit for this trip, I’m bringing it in my carry on. Just in case the checked bag goes missing!
-Packing essentials in the carry on: Have at least some essential stuff with you. A few changes of clothes and anything special. Maybe you won’t have time to buy clothes or could have trouble. Not all places sell goth essentials, people! Have some of what you need in the plane with you.
-Chaffing Gel: It’s summer! Sweat is going to happen. Especially wearing all black! There’s tons of brands on the market. Find what works best, and bring two! One for the purse and one for the suitcase. Always have that on you!
I could go on and on. Parasols, fishnets, extra black eyeliner if one goes missing or dies, extra lashes, and some of the soil of your homeland. You know, so you can sleep away from your coffin at night! Kidding! Or am I? Whatever you bring, stand by your choices! Go crazy! Dress up and have fun! Vacation You™ is the ultimate form!! Don’t dress down to blend into the background. Dress even gothier and more glamorous and turn heads!! I’ll be back with photos of all my goth looks and a recap in two weeks!
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