Alternative Style Blog I 'Tis the season for stress


Happy holidays! The end of the year is here! Which also happens to be one of the toughest times of the year. Holidays! Maybe you work in retail or public service and it’s just pure chaos until January. Maybe you’re dreading a family gathering and all the comments that come along with it. Maybe you’re just not in the mood for the season! Holidays are hard! But you’re not alone in that boat. There’s so many out there who can’t wait for the holidays to pass. So from one grinch to another: here’s my holiday guide to just getting through it. 

I’ve worked retail during the holidays, gone through holidays during a time of grief, and I’ll forever be the weirdest family member at a holiday dinner. Here’s some of the things that help me. 1. Alcohol-kidding! I’m kidding! (Well not for that family dinner part, that does help) What really helps me is a reminder that it’s just a month until a fresh start. Maybe it’s my Capricorn Sun sign, but I always look forward to a fresh new year. Keeping that in mind while the holiday season is in full swing really helps me count down the days. A new year is a time to set new goals, reflect on the year in passing, and see what I want to do going forward. But we’ll save all that for the last blog of the year! Eye on the prize! Just make it to that point.

Showing up to the holiday party dressed down

Siren Veil
Sale Price: $55.00 Original Price: $89.00

Another thing that really helps is reaching out when you need it most. Check up with selected family and friends who always cheer you up. I’m making a lot of presents this year for all the people I love most, so just keeping them in mind helps a lot. Another part of the holiday season is realizing maybe when you’ve hit a wall. Step away when needed! Let friends and family know you’re alright and you just need that space. People who are with you no matter what will understand if one week you’re all talk and the next week you need a break. Holidays bring out unexpected feelings. Joy and sadness can both co-exist in a time like this without you even realizing it!

Tis the season to surround yourself with those you love most

Pets count too!

A big part of the holiday season is to just be you! As every month of the year goes by, rock what you want to rock! Dress in what makes you feel best! And roll your eyes here and there at the remarks. For years I was asked to dress down for holiday events, and you know what??? I’m sorry you’re not living it up and being as fabulous as me! Some of us just know how to make a statement. Rock some of your new Black Friday gifts to yourself! Or just go with something that makes you feel good, be it a statement outfit or something more subdued. The holidays are about giving! But I also think it’s just as important to give yourself the space and safe place to make it through them. I’m always torn emotionally during the holiday season, so just checking in on myself a bit more than usual is really important. There’s nothing wrong with not being cheerful and bright like all the songs say. I hope everyone does have a happy holiday! No matter what that looks like! 

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